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Destiny Quest
Discovery Education
Renaissance Place
FISD Libraries
Proudly Use TexQuest!
TexQuest is a statewide digital resources program that provides anytime, anywhere access to high quality, authoritative digital
resources to all educators, students, and students' immediate families in Texas K-12 public schools and open enrollment charter schools in the great state of Texas.

District Librarian

Michelle Cooper

Teacher librarian Michelle Cooper is a passionate educator and enthusiastic  proponent of school libraries, technology integration, collaboration with educational professionals and helping young people succeed. As an educator with twenty years experience, she seeks opportunities to partner with teachers on projects that encourage increased student engagement and learning achievement.

Michelle is constantly striving to improve her educational practices and create innovative learning opportunities for students and colleagues.  She is committed to sharing and modeling the importance of digital citizenship with students. She is a co-founder of #TXLchat on Twitter which provides a forum for Texas librarians (but not limited to Texas librarians) to create collaborative connections, share educational resources, and foster lifelong learning. Michelle is the 2016 TCEA Library Media Specialist of the Year, 2017 AASL Advocacy Ambassador Finalist, a Tech & Learning Leader of the Year, a Makey Makey Ambassador, a Common Sense Media Ambassador, 2016 TASL MVP Honorable Award for Excellence, 2016 TLA Branding Iron Award for Social Media for #TXLchat,  and she serves on several committees for ALA, AASL and TLA.  In addition,  she is a Google for Education Certified Trainer providing professional development through local, state and national educational conferences.  Michelle currently serves as a Digital Learning Specialist, with an emphasis on library media services, at Region 7 ESC.

HRE Library Aide

Stephanie Taylor

JH/HS Library Aide

Amy Hunt

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