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About Your FISD Superintendent
Superintendent Bain

My name is Rebecca Bain, and I am the Fruitvale ISD Superintendent. I am a proud Bobcat of 41 years, attending FISD from Kindergarten until Graduation in 1992, and then after graduation from Texas A&M University was employed in the district in August 1996, and have worked hard to make Fruitvale ISD the best district for our students and families since that time. I have been married to my husband, Jeff Bain, for  27 years, and we are blessed with three children: MaKayla, Colby, and Kyla.

After graduating from Fruitvale ISD, I attended Texas A&M University in College Station without significant cost to my family because of the scholarships I was awarded from my school activities at Fruitvale. At Texas A&M, I was an officer in Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and a Resurrection Week coordinator on campus. I was on the Dean’s List or Distinguished Student’s List while being enrolled in the TAMU Honors program, and was inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society. I also completed an internship through the Texas Department of Agriculture the summer after graduation. My education at Fruitvale helped me be very successful at Texas A&M University.

Upon graduation from college, I moved home and became a substitute teacher at the Fruitvale and Grand Saline school districts, and was offered a semester-long teaching assignment in 2nd grade at Hallie Randall Elementary. The next year, I became a teacher/coach at Fruitvale JH/HS. The position included 6th-12th grade science classes, a junior high coaching position, an assistant high school coaching position, and a junior high cheerleading sponsor. As a teacher for ten years, I worked diligently to maintain high science scores for TAKS, I sponsored the student council and helped our students obtain the highest level of awards from the state student council, coached successful athletic and UIL teams, hosted prom events, served as an NHS faculty council member, and taught gifted and talented classes as well as agriculture science classes in addition to junior high and high school science. I was the Campus Improvement Team chairperson, and I served as a mentor teacher for TAMU-Commerce. I coordinated the evaluation of the TIP grant program and was selected as a TARGET grant teacher who received one of the first carts of laptops in my classroom. I was nominated for Who’s Who Among American High School teachers for nine years and was selected as the favorite teacher for seven years by students.

          I was encouraged to get my Master’s Degree, and attended Stephen F. Austin to obtain my Masters of Education degree in educational leadership in 2007, and became certified as an administrator.

          Upon graduation, I became the Fruitvale ISD curriculum/federal programs director and served in that position from 2007 until 2015, my responsibilities included curriculum, instruction, staff development, grants, federal programs, district improvement team chair, district testing coordinator, and more.  As Fruitvale ISD curriculum director, I was elected as the President of the Region VII Curriculum Director’s leading over 106 district leaders in our Region for my final two years.

          I have been asked on several occasions to serve in dual roles at Fruitvale ISD, and I believe in being a team player. In 2008, I served an entire semester in my current position while also being the counselor for the entire district. The following year, I served as a part-time elementary principal while our elementary principal worked 3 days a week until retirement.  The year after that, I served as co-principal on the junior high/high school campus when we were without a principal. I also served as the Interim Superintendent from May until July 2010.

          I have currently served as the Fruitvale ISD Superintendent for 9 years. I have watched the school and community work together to accomplish so much for our students during that time. We have been awarded multiple grants to improve programs, improved district facilities, and our students have shown great success in all areas including UIL athletics and academics. I love this school, I love this community and I see the great potential that we have to move forward as a district and acquire even more for our school and community. Thank you for your support of our school district, and thank you for entrusting us with your children.

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